Verbal De-escalation Training Certification Online

Original price was: $99.95.Current price is: $79.95.


  • Downloadable Certificate
  • ​Study At Your Own Pace
  • Proven 5-Step Non-Violent Verbal Techniques
  • Utilized by major Hospitals, Institutions & Corporations


Companies That Trust Our Verbal De-Escalation Training


Verbal De-escalation Training Certification Online

Organizations and their employees need the most effective verbal de-escalation training to prevent, deter, and stop crisis situations whenever possible. The Crisis Consultant Group has taken one of the most highly regarded de-escalation models (The 5-Steps To De-escalation) and packaged it in a simple, short, yet powerful online Training & Certification course.

(For our full-length Crisis Prevention Training courses & more intensive options –  CLICK HERE

Course Length:   1-hr & 2.5-hour options available
Certification Provided:   Yes

This online De-escalation training course is perfect for:

    • Security Officers
    • Group Home & Mental Health Workers
    • Law Enforcement & Corrections Officers
    • Probation & Parole Officers
    • Customer Service Personnel
    • Retail Employees & QSR Staff

Effective training to manage challenging or verbally hostile individuals should not be expensive, or overly time consuming. This course serves as the perfect fit to increasing confidence, maintaining a calm demeanor, and demonstrating compassion for those in crisis, while protecting oneself and organizations from lawsuits, violence, or similar negative outcomes.

This verbal de-escalation training certification course touches on body language, eye contact, facial expressions, active listening, nonverbal communication, communication skills, and considerations responders should have around tone of voice, how to master verbal conflict in a few easy steps. Using real life stories from working in public safety and public service, this training program will additionally benefit human service providers, safety and security staff, and those that work in behavioral health professionals as well. Students of this course will better understand how to build rapport, and how critically important it is to successful verbal de escalation training.

cpi certification online renewal

5-Steps To De-escalation
Average rating:  
 39 reviews
Gary Mercer
Oct 2, 2023
 by Gary Mercer

I felt the instructor was highly competent in de escalation technique and kept my attention without getting technical

Deidra Thomas
Aug 11, 2023
 by Deidra Thomas

Great verbal de-escalation course. Effective crisis de escalation training is hard to find. Thank you!

Jose Encarnacion
Aug 11, 2023
 by Jose Encarnacion

It was helpful and I feel like I learned a lot in this online verbal de-escalation course. I use verbal de escalation training in my work a lot so this is a big help.

Karla Ramirez
Aug 11, 2023
 by Karla Ramirez

Great verbal De-Escalation training online.

Katina Wilson
Aug 11, 2023
 by Katina Wilson

At first I thought I would just let it play without listening just get through it, but I began to listen, he made so much since and broke down why he says what he says, hes an excellent speaker and crisis de escalation training instructor.

Krishnamurthy Subbarao
Aug 11, 2023
 by Krishnamurthy Subbarao

Liked the cpi de escalation training videos and verbal de-escalation training provided in the course.

Leslie Sweet
Aug 11, 2023
 by Leslie Sweet

The de escalation class was great and he kept me alert, therefore that.s always a plus. I enjoyed the cpi de escalation training course.

Saba Williams
Aug 11, 2023
 by Saba Williams

The most informative and interactive cpi de-escalation training online.

Susan Lee Finnerty
Aug 11, 2023
 by Susan Lee Finnerty

Very informative verbal de-escalation training online .

Trinette Garner
Aug 11, 2023
 by Trinette Garner

Thanks for the clear, and wonderful information on verbal de escalation training .

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Other De-escalation pages: customer service de escalation training, de escalation training for nurses, verbal de escalation training for teachers, and mental health de escalation training

Crisis Consultant Group

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