What is Verbal and Physical Non Violent Crisis Intervention?
Commonly known in the crisis intervention training industry is the term “Nonviolent Crisis Intervention” *(trademarked title for a workplace safety training curriculum created by the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) in the early 1980’s). The term non violent crisis intervention has evolved from not only a brand name, but a industry term for any such “non violent” crisis intervention training offered by other companies and training organizations.
More effective verbal and physical non violent crisis intervention
The Crisis Consultant Group, LLC (CCG) is one of those companies. Intimately familiar with and formerly certified in many crisis intervention training programs and intervention techniques in the industry, Mr. Brendan King, CEO and founder of the Crisis Consultant Group, LLC, felt that there needed to be (what he believed) a more effective and useful verbal crisis intervention curriculum along with a new method of non-violent physical intervention techniques. Due to the rapidly escalating levels of violence occurring in the workplaces in the late 90’s, this new approach and perspective when teaching non-violent crisis intervention was greatly needed and necessary to keep responders and individuals in crisis safe. In 2004, though combining nearly 30 years of experience from the mental health, local corrections, probation, education, military, and law enforcement sectors, Mr. King gathered a few knowledgeable co-workers and licensed professionals to begin working on creating a more effective, safer, non-traumatic, and non-harmful verbal and physical non-violent crisis intervention training curriculum.
After nearly 6 months of development, the first basic curriculum and set of physical intervention techniques were created. Within the next 6 months CCG began teaching the curriculum to clients in Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, and California. It was immediately clear that a new path had been opened and the launch of something remarkable had begun. Within the second year of business, CCG had become cash flow positive. The development team had made enhancements and improvements to the curriculum, utilizing feedback from those early clients. Over the years that followed, additional States were added, thousands of persons received training, and more and more clients were working safer and were better able to handle crisis situations that they encountered in their workplaces. Clients were reducing overall numbers of actual restraints, injuries, incidents of workman’s compensation claims, and turnover while improving the confidence of staff, increasing morale, and reporting additional positive impacts from utilizing both verbal and physical non-violent crisis intervention training provided through the CCG curriculum.
Since its founding in March of 2004, CCG curriculum and techniques have now been utilized in 24 States across the USA, and has a strong following of more-than-satisfied clients who recertify with CCG Master Instructors every year. Branching out into other areas, CCG now is a leading provider of Active Shooter Response and Crisis Response Team Training in addition to offering both Verbal and Physical Non-violent Crisis Intervention. Respecting those companies and competitors who have brought much attention to the protection of crisis responders, CCG provides an unparalleled workplace violence prevention training program that is rapidly expanding in nearly every type of workplace wherever aggressive or challenging behavior occurs.
*Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® is trademarked and owned by the Crisis Prevention Institute, Inc. The Crisis Consultant Group, LLC has no affiliation or agreement of any kind with Crisis Prevention Institute, Inc. CCG offers its own unique crisis intervention training curriculum and non-violent crisis intervention techniques, independent and uniquely different than the CPI curriculum. If seeking CPI training specifically, please visit CPI at “crisisprevention.com.”