Crisis Intervention Classes
What exactly is “crisis intervention training” and why has it became “highly recommended” classes for those working in mental health and related human service professions? A great question, with a fairly straightforward answer. The term “crisis intervention” most often represents a curriculum consisting of both verbal and physical intervention techniques to be utilized by a “responder” (mental health tech, law enforcement officer, correctional officer, group home worker, human services professional, etc.) in efforts to calm, contain, control and/or otherwise de-escalate an individual who is in “crisis,” often demonstrated by an agitated, hostile, or aggressive behaviors.
Crisis Intervention techniques are often based on a number of basic principles such as:
1. Treating the individual in crisis with dignity and respect throughout the encounter, regardless of actions taken by the individual.
2. Approaching the individual as though they are in need of assistance and are unable to cope with their current situation, not that they are simply choosing to “act out” and behaving inappropriately simply to seek attention, or to “cause trouble”.
3. Ensuring that the safety for all persons involved in the situation is paramount.
4. Recognizing that physical intervention techniques are only to be utilized as instructed if/when imminent danger is presented by the individual, and that there are no other means to stop, prevent, or deter, person-to-person violence from occurring.
Responders are encouraged to attend classes with approved vendors in the crisis intervention industry who have developed curriculums and techniques that are aligned with current Best Practices Guidelines, Federal and State Licensure regulations, and related industry standards. By gaining Crisis Intervention certification through live, online, or hybrid class options, professionals seeking to work with persons in crisis will be better equipped to handle both verbal and physical confrontations in the workplace. For more information on this type of certification, please contact the Crisis Consultant Group, LLC today.
An excerpt from our book:
Efforts Made Towards Your Excellence
Vince Lombardi once said, “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” Awesome, right? I want to ask you that same question. What is your commitment towards excellence? What have you done today? What are you doing today? When you woke up, what was the first thing you did? Did you work out? Did you utilize a part of your exercise routine, and build it into your morning? Did you eat healthy? Or, did you just load up on coffee and sugar, jump in the car, roll off to work, and now you just happen to be reading this? What is it, what did you do?
Are you committed to your excellence, regardless of the field you chose or whatever your mission happens to be? Are you choosing the path of excellence? It’s been said that, “Champions don’t become champions in the ring.” Becoming a champion happens over years, and years, and years of dedicated practice in the gym to get ready for the fight. By the time they hit the ring, the fight is already won because of the excellence in their skills, their dedication, and everything they put into building to that moment, By the time they get into the ring they’re good to go.
So, I ask you, “What have you done today? What are you going to do today that would be easily recognizable as an effort made towards your own excellence?