Independent Affiliate Trainer (Hybrid)


  • HYBRID – LIVE & ONLINE Training Process
  • Nationally Recognized Crisis Prevention Curriculum
  • Protected Training Region / Priority
  • Become A Recognized Trainer In Your Area
  • Personalized Website To Market Your Services


Independent Affiliate Trainer Program (IATP) (Certification)

  1. Do you believe that verbal de-escalation can solve the majority of conflicts?
  2. Are you looking to add Crisis Prevention Trainer Certification to your resume’?
  3. Would organizations in your region benefit from learning how to better handle conflict and aggressive behavior?
  4. Would you like to earn income teaching a nationally recognized and approved training curriculum?

If you answered yes, then our Independent Affiliate Trainer Program (IATP) is for you.  

Through this option, you will become legally authorized to train the Calm Every Storm, Crisis Intervention Training® / (CPIT) curriculum to others in your area, for profit.*

In the past, this option was only available to individuals currently employed by an organization, and only authorized to teach within that organization.  For the first time in CCG history, gaining certification to do so is now available through a HYBRIDLIVE & ONLINE TRAINING format.

Utilizing a hybrid of live, pre-recorded, and interactive training sessions, this new option is perfect for persons who are unable to gain Trainer certification through an organization they work for, OR who would prefer the flexibility and ease of online training with the minimum time spent in the actual “live-on site” classroom.

General Overview:

Independent Affiliate Certification can be completed at-your-own pace, in as few as 14 days (online web-based & live video-conference sessions w/assignments).  New sessions begin every quarter!

  • LIVE Zoom training calls with CCG Master Instructors
  • 24/7/365 access to a dynamic online learning management system utilizing PowerPoint Multimedia, HD video, and engaging written competency analysis and testing
  • Course handbooks and curriculum materials to support wrap-around learning
  • Online assignments and evaluation to build maximum speaker and trainer effectiveness
  • Speaking, teaching, and leadership lessons to help you increase your skill set as a Trainer/Presenter/Educator
  • Business and entrepreneurship training to assist in growing your reach

In addition, Certification will provide:

  • Ongoing support and access to CCG HQ support staff for assistance, technical support and guidance through the learning process
  • A PROTECTED geographic teaching/training area (Be the FIRST & ONLY Certified Affiliate in your region!)
  • A custom designed CCG linked website to promote and market your services offered
  • Potential business leads from CCG HQ
  • Advanced training opportunities to join the CCG Mobile Training Team

Individuals with backgrounds in mental health, human services, education, counseling, social work, law enforcement or related fields, can capitalize even more on their unique skills and abilities with this certification.  Being able to quickly understand and relate to the CCG course philosophies and concepts, this training option will allow for easy retention of the information and lead to excellent future teaching opportunities.

Cost for the course covers:

  • All online video conference calls and meetings
  • Access to CCG Online Learning Courses and System
  • Printed course materials with Trainer & Student Handouts
  • 24/7 support access to CCG HQ and Master Instructors
  • Quarterly support calls with fellow Certified Independent Affiliate Trainers
  • Personalized student website, hosting, and website support &
  • A personalized Live-Training Session with CEO and Founder, 7-Figure Entrepreneur, 2x Best-selling author, Brendan King

For application information please Contact Us!

(*Application, Acceptance into the IATP program, and Successful Completion of all Training Curriculum Required)

Crisis Consultant Group

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