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Concealed Carry Classes

Welcome to OSDA Classes, your one-stop shop for all the information and certification you need to obtain an Oklahoma Handgun License (Concealed Carry License).

Our mission is to safely educate gun owners of Oklahoma to an exceptional standard by taking the time to meet the needs of every student.

Sign-up for a class, individual training, or with a group

  • Get Certified: Oklahoma Self Defense Act (SDA) Handgun License Course
  • Get Individual Training: Defensive Pistol Training for beginners to advanced shooters
  • Our school is certified through the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training
  • OSDA Classes can be found on the State Bureau of Investigation’s certified instructor list

Do I qualify for a SDA handgun license course/concealed carry class range exemption?

OSDA Classes offers exemptions for those who have proper documentation.

If you qualify for an exemption, and provide documentation, you will be exempt ONLY from the range portion of class. As mandated by state law, all persons applying for an exemption will be required to successfully complete the classroom portion of the training course to learn Oklahoma self defense law, handgun safety, and take the required examination.

You may qualify for a concealed carry class range exemption if any of the following apply to you:

  • You are an active CLEET certified law enforcement officer or armed security guard
    • If your certification has expired, you do not qualify for an exemption
  • You are currently on active military duty, regular military reserve duty, or National Guard duty
    • You must be a legal resident of the state (have an Oklahoma Driver’s License or state issued ID and maintain a physical residence in the state or have permanent military orders in the state) and have been trained and qualified in the use of handguns
  • You have been honorably discharged from active military duty, regular military reserve duty, or National Guard duty within the last 20 years
    • You must be a legal resident of the state and have been trained and qualified in the use of handguns

Who is eligible for a handgun license class?

The following requirements shall apply to any person making application to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for a handgun license pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act. The person must:

1. Be a citizen of the United States;

2. Establish a residency in the State of Oklahoma. For purposes of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, the term residency shall apply to any person who either possesses a valid Oklahoma driver license or state photo identification card, and physically maintains a residence in this state or to any person, including the spouse of such person, who has permanent military orders within this state and possesses a valid driver license from another state where such person and spouse of such person claim residency;

3. Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age;

4. Complete a firearms safety and training course and demonstrate competence and qualifications with the type of pistol to be carried by the person as provided in Section 1290.14 of this title, and submit proof of training and qualification or an exemption for training and qualification as authorized by Section 1290.14 of this title;

5. Submit the required fee and complete the application process as provided in Section 1290.12 of this title; and

6. Comply in good faith with the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act.

What if I get arrested after I get my license?

The Self-Defense Act prohibits individuals with arrests/pending charges for felony offenses and the following misdemeanor offenses from eligibility:

a. assault and battery, which caused serious physical injury to the victim, or any second or subsequent assault and battery conviction;
b. aggravated assault and battery;
c.  stalking;
d. violation relating to the Protection from Domestic Abuse Act,or any violation of a victim protection order of another state;
e. any conviction relating to illegal drug use or possession; or
f. an act of domestic abuse or domestic assault and battery.

OSBI will initiate suspension proceedings upon being made aware of arrests for any of the offenses listed above.OSBI will also take similar action if a 2nd or subsequent conviction for public intoxication is brought to our attention.  A second or subsequent DUI and/ or intoxication conviction will require a doctor’s statement that the individual is not in need of substance abuse treatment. If no certifying statement is provided, the license will be suspended until 3 years from the date of the completion of the last sentence.

If convicted of a felony or any of the misdemeanors listed in a thru f above, OSBI will pursue a revocation of SDA license.

SDA licenses holders can also have their license suspended if convicted of any of the following:

Unlawful Carry
Carrying Firearms Where Liquor is Consumed
Allowing Minors to Possess Firearms
Carrying Weapons Under Influence of Alcohol
Furnishing Firearms to Incompetent Persons
Giving Firearms to Convicted Persons
Discharging Firearm

SDA license holders can have their license revoked if convicted of the following:

Misdemeanor Pointing Firearm
Reckless Conduct, pursuant to Title 21 § 1289.11

Where can I carry a loaded firearm without a license class?

If you are not otherwise legally prohibited from possessing a firearm, is legal to carry in your home, on your property, and in your workplace (with proper permission from your employer). We suggest that if you choose to carry a firearm for self-defense, that you be trained in firearms safety, defensive shooting, and learn pertinent law related to self defense and the use of force. We provide all of this training in our Handgun License Course.

What states can I legally carry?

OSBI maintains the most up-to-date information about what is called Reciprocity. For your convenience OSBI has listed links for each state, where you may check the status of reciprocity and proper procedure with each state through which you may be traveling. You should do this prior to your departure.